Spoiler Alert: There Is No Perfect Sales Signal

Published on

July 27, 2024

"Jackpot, we have high intent!"

Chances are, you don't.

These individual actions are not buying intent. Prospects are not ready to book a meeting after a minor interaction.

One signal is not intent, yet we all jump at the chance to enroll a prospect in a campaign with the same call to action—Book A Meeting!

"94% of B2B buyers will research a solution online before finalizing the path they want to pursue."

Prospects want to be educated. Teach them about your solution, ask them questions, and see if they're ready to qualify you.

So what is intent?

At Vector, we encourage our customers to follow a strategy we call Signal-Based Intent, or a complication of signals giving you the entire picture. Our most successful customers measure true intent based on the full range of activities that their prospects engage in.

This is why individual-level activity is more impactful than what current intent providers produce. They only display what a company is interested in, leaving you uncertain who to contact.

Resist the temptation to immediately push a prospect to decide just because they completed a small task. It's similar to a car salesman who insists that you come into the office to "discuss numbers" when all you really wanted was to look at a vehicle's interior.

Reveal in-market contacts on and off your site

Stop settling for useless account-level intent data.

Start selling smarter