Marketing term definitions


🎉 THe fun  definition:

So, you've thrown a fabulous party, and "reach" is like the bouncer at the door headcounting how many folks actually made it inside. It's the number of people who saw your dazzling invite post on social media. Not to be confused with "impressions," which is just the party gossip circulating about how great your soirée is, whether they showed up or not.

🤓 THe nerdy  definition:

In marketing, "reach" refers to the total number of unique individuals or households exposed to a particular advertising message or media content over a specified period. It is a critical metric in assessing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, as it helps marketers understand the breadth of an ad's audience engagement. Unlike frequency, which measures how often the audience is exposed to the message, reach focuses solely on the diversity and extent of the audience footprint. High reach is often a desired outcome for brand awareness initiatives, aiming to maximize the potential audience size for a given campaign.

Stop getting ghosted with expensive, legacy abm tools

Fill the funnel with high intent contacts, not meaningless accounts