Introducing OffsiteID
Introducing OffsiteID, the world's first and only intent platform that tells you exactly which contacts are in-market for your product, before they land on your site
November 24, 2024

Introducing OffsiteID, the world's first and only intent platform that tells you exactly which contacts are in-market for your product, before they land on your site
November 24, 2024
Today represents a really big day at Vector.
But we think it represents an even bigger day for marketers and sellers across revenue teams.
You've heard the buzzwords, the manifestos: GTM is broken... selling is harder than ever...
I've strolled countless conferences where this theme is felt but never do the conversations end with a meaningful answer on how to overcome them. In fact, it feels like the current state is figuring out how to growth hack, automate, AI SDR, and orchestrate useless signals into some volume-based equation.
No one has solved the core problems with GTM:
We haven't cracked budget creation here at Vector. But we have invented one of the most meaningful advancements to GTM strategy in the last decade.
The world's first and only intent platform that tells you exactly which contacts are in-market for your product, before they land on your site.
Let me start by stating an obvious — "intent" is a bad word. It's misused, misnomered, and abused across vendors. That's the norm these days.
In our case, when we say intent, we don't mean "someone came by your website".
OffsiteID is an intent signal you've never had before. We've partnered with a publishing network of over 400k+ websites. When your customer is doing research, reading articles, looking at reviews, Google'ing comparisons about your competitors — we process, classify, score, and de-anonymize the exact contacts that are in-market.
This is a game-changing advantage for our customers that will lean into bringing Vector's data into their marketing and sales workflows.
Building a technology of this nature is much harder than partnering with data providers and publishing networks. The volume, scale, and ability to action it take time.
While our team spent months getting OffsiteID in your hands, I had the opportunity to hear from marketers, ABM leaders, and sellers about their current state.
The TL;DR — we've all been sold a picturesque story from a handful of legacy intent providers. The problem, they all have the same fatal flaw:
Someone from Google is showing intent
At best, a marketer now knows where to aim their arrows.
More often than not, a marketer wastes ad dollars and a seller ignores the $200k intent software because they can't figure out "which of the 43k employees in San Francisco were the ones showing intent".
We've been oversold intent as actionable. In reality, they're expensive dashboards. OffsiteID makes intent truly actionable, for the first time.
We're just getting started. There's a lot more up our sleeves.
For the last 3 months (as we've had our free site de-anonymization platform — SiteID — live), I'm continuously asked how we compare to (perceived) competition and why we're not hitching onto their wagons. Here's the truth:
If you're a professional marketer, seller, or revenue leader, join us. We're excited to hear what you accomplish by innovating Vector into your strategy.
De-anonymize the contacts on your site
Know who's researching you off your site
Create hyper-targeted ad audiences
Predict the top contacts/accounts to focus on